Photography by Kevin O'Dwyer
Photography by Kevin O'Dwyer

In this monograph. mysteries have been solved; lacunas infilled. However, various contradictions and surprises are also revealed, through the unfolding story of several cultures merging to make something new, fresh, and dynamic, such as is found in this compact reliquary of the Hiberno-Norse style embedded in the Romanesque of the late medieval Christian empire, in Ireland.

For those of us who might never be able to visit the shrine in person, this splendid book is the next best thing, and we are delighted and grateful.

​​ Jules McCue Tinteán Magazine

Bronze gilded figure on Saint Manchan's Shrine Photography by Kevin O'Dwyer

Publication is partially funded by Creative Ireland and Offaly County Council Heritage Office

Archaeologist Griffin Murray and metalsmith/photographer Kevin O’Dwyer are combined their expertise to create a high-quality limited edition coffee table book that features O’Dwyer’s captivating and atmospheric photographs and Griffin Murray’s in-depth story telling of the history and folklore of the shrine. 

Limited edition coffee table book: 45 euro retail.  

Order your book online 

Saint Manchan's Shrine